The Work Packages (WP) and Deliverables (D) to be implemented within the framework of the supported PRO-sCAP project are as follows:

  • WP1: Organization and Coordination of the PRO-sCAP Partnership
    • D1.1 Establishment of procedures for the establishment, organization, management, and expansion of the Biological Sample Collection and the Research Project of the Action (Report – NKUA – Delivery month 12)
    • D1.2 Detailed description of clinical protocols and the management of clinical (Report – NKUA – Delivery month 6)
    • D1.3 Organization of Network meetings (Report – NKUA – Delivery month 28)
    • D1.4 Reports (Report – NKUA – Delivery month 28)
  • WP2: Clinical Studies
    • D2.1 Inclusion of patients and volunteers in the study. (Report – NKUA – Delivery month 28)
    • D2.2 Standardization of bronchoscopy and sampling methodology (Report – NKUA – Delivery month 28)
    • D2.3 Publications (Report – NKUA – Delivery month 28)
  • WP3: Organization of Biological Sample and Bio-clinical Data Collection
    • D3.1 Design and implementation of the database (Report – NKUA – Delivery month 12)
    • D3.2 Design, implementation, and verification of the security of the Database (Report – NKUA – Delivery month 12)
    • D3.3 Creation of a clinical sample biobank (Report – NKUA – Delivery month 28)
    • D3.4 Maintenance of the facility's good operation (Report – NKUA – Delivery month 24)
  • WP4: Large-scale Molecular Analyses (Multi-OMICs) in Material from Patients in the prospective sCAP and pulmonary mycosis in hematological patients
    • D4.1 Analysis of gene expression in lung cells. (Report – NKUA – Delivery month 28)
    • D4.2 Analysis of the epigenetic regulation of significant immunological pathways (Report – NKUA – Delivery month 28)
    • D4.3 Analysis of the immunological profile in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from patients with severe pneumonia (Report – NKUA – Delivery month 28)
    • D4.4 Metabolic profile of immune cells in lung and peripheral blood (Report – NKUA – Delivery month 28)
    • D4.5 Targeted metabolic analysis in bronchoalveolar lavage, lung cells, and serum (Report – NKUA – Delivery month 28)
    • D4.6 Targeted proteomic analysis in bronchoalveolar fluid (Report – NKUA – Delivery month 28)
    • D4.7 Analysis of the molecular profiles of respiratory microbial communities (Report – NKUA – Delivery month 28)
    • D4.8 Isolation and functional identification of representative microbial strains (Report – NKUA – Delivery month 28)
    • D4.9 Culture and isolation of community-acquired pneumonia pathogens (Report – NKUA – Delivery month 28)
  • WP5: Functional tests for the staging of "immunoparalysis"
    • D5.1 Staging of lung macrophage immunoparalysis (Report – NKUA – Delivery month 28)
    • D5.2 Staging of neutrophil immunoparalysis (Report – NKUA – Delivery month 28)
  • WP6: Study of the molecular mechanisms of macrophage dysfunction
    • D6.1 Report on the results of single-cell RNA sequencing analysis in selected patients (Report – NKUA – Delivery month 28)
    • D6.2 Endogenous mechanisms of macrophage immunoparalysis (Report – NKUA – Delivery month 28)
    • D6.3 In vivo validation of molecular mechanisms in experimental models of pulmonary mycosis (Report – NKUA – Delivery month 28)
    • D6.4 Exogenous mechanisms of macrophage immunoparalysis (Report – NKUA – Delivery month 28)
  • WP7: Development of organoid lung models for a comprehensive study of epithelial damage and repair in the lung
    • D7.1 Unique collection of organoids from healthy and lung epithelial cells from patients with pneumonia (Report – NKUA – Delivery month 28)
  • WP8: Biomarkers and Machine Learning Predictive Models
    • D8.1 Novel prognostic/predictive biomarkers for macrophage immunoparalysis (Report – NKUA – Delivery month 28)
    • D8.2 Automated inference system for stratifying patients with sCAP into risk groups (Report – NKUA – Delivery month 28)
    • D8.3 Application of the automated inference system for risk stratification in subgroups of hematological patients (Report – NKUA – Delivery month 28)
  • WP9: Dissemination and Publicity Activities
    • D9.1 Presentation of the project through electronic media. (Report – NKUA – Delivery month 6)
    • D9.2 Participation in at least two scientific events for the general public (Report – NKUA – Delivery month 28)
    • D9.3 Publication of project results in high-impact scientific journals. (Report – NKUA – Delivery month 28)

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